Tinker is a command-line interface for Laravel that provides a creative way to interact with your applications. It allows you to access your applications via a REPL (read-eval-print loop), providing live feedback for each line of code you enter.
In addition to being a great tool for experimentation, Tinker can also be used to debug your applications. For example, you can use Tinker to examine the contents of your database, run queries, and view data in real-time.
To get started with Tinker, simply install the Laravel framework on your machine. Once you have done so, you can access Tinker via the Artisan command-line interface:
$ php artisan tinker
Once Tinker has been launched, you can begin interacting with your application. For example, let's say you have a User model in your application. To view all of the users in your database, you can use the all method on the User model:
>>> User::all();
If you would like to limit the number of results returned, you may pass a number as the first argument to the all method:
>>> User::all(50);
To view a specific user, you may use the find method:
>>> User::find(1);
If you would like to query for a user by their email address, you may use the first method:
>>> User::first('email', 'taylor@laravel.com');
Of course, Tinker also provides access to the rest of the Laravel framework. For example, you may access Eloquent methods, the cache, and the event dispatcher:
>>> App::make('cache')->put('foo', 'bar', 10);
>>> Event::fire(new UserRegistered());
You may even test your code by running Artisan commands:
>>> Artisan::call('email:send', [ 'user' => 1, '--message' => 'Hello, world!' ]);
The possibilities with Tinker are limitless; it provides a powerful REPL environment for you to interact with your Laravel applications.